by Office Manager | Apr 24, 2017 | Bulletin, Sermons
Morning Worship Billy Dawson: “Gone Fishing” John 21:3 Evening Worship Jonathan Whitlock: “I Am Going, To My Neighborhood” Bulletin: 23April2017
by Office Manager | Apr 10, 2017 | Bulletin, Sermons
Morning Worship – Billy Dawson: “Focused or Distracted” 1 Peter 1:17-15 Bulletin: 9April2017
by Office Manager | Apr 3, 2017 | Bulletin, Sermons
Morning Worship Billy Dawson: “Real Love” I John 4: 11-21 Evening Worship Jonathan Whitlock: “I Am Going, with My Church” Ephesians 3: 14-21 Bulletin: 2April2017
by Office Manager | Mar 27, 2017 | Bulletin, Sermons
Morning Worship Billy Dawson: “Faulty Thinking” 1 John 5:10 Evening Worship Jonathan Whitlock: “I Am Going” Bulletin: 26March2017
by Office Manager | Mar 20, 2017 | Bulletin, Sermons
Morning Worship: Sandy Taylor, Minister of Administration & Outreach, Dover FBC “Dealing With Temptation” Genesis 39 Bulletin: 19March2017
by Office Manager | Mar 13, 2017 | Bulletin, Sermons
Morning Worship: “I am Here” John 14:16-17 Evening Worship: “True Fellowship” Acts 2:44-17 Bulletin: 12March2017